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For business customers

Our range of refrigerated vehicles

Why rent from Petit Forestier?

The only 100% refrigerated rental company

Petit Forestier is the only rental company whose business focuses exclusively on cold storage.

More than 100 years of expertise in the transportation sector

Petit Forestier hires out more than 5,500 new refrigerated vehicles every year.

+500 fridge specialist

Trained to offer you the best in class service.

Always looking to supply substainable solutions

Our own bodymanufacturer Lecapitaine is supporting international agency with their expertise and R&D department to provide to our customers the vehicle of tomorrow.
Green is not only a color, this is our goal to become the most eco-friendly rental company in the world.

Petit Forestier also offers…

The network

Our network has the strength and depth to promptly respond to your needs and provide you with assistance 24 hours a day should the need arise.

Innovation & Sustainable Development

We know that the future of refrigerated transport begins today, so by innovating we are able to offer you the solutions of the future today.