Special Range

Cold rooms in the Special range are fitted with a flat anti-slip floor, lighting, strip curtains, energy-saving machinery, and easy to open doors with external and internal opening. These cold rooms meet HACCP standards and are available in two sizes.

CM25S - 20 feet
Capacity8 UK Pallets
Volume31 m³
Temperature-25°C to +25°C (-40°C to +40°C TK Magnum+)
External dimensionsL 6,06 x l 2,44 x h 2,89 m (HC)
Internal dimensionsL 5,45 x l 2,28 x h 2,55 m (HC)
CM55S - 40 feet
Capacity18 UK Pallets
Volume65 m³
Temperature-25°C to +25°C (-40°C to +40°C TK Magnum+)
External dimensionsL 12,19 x l 2,44 x h 2,89 m (HC)
Internal dimensionsL 11,53 x l 2,28 x h 2,55 m (HC)

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